The ‘Clint Eastwood’ Twitter account is said to be a big fake, the 93-year-old actor’s representatives confirmed. The details were revealed when fans found an X (formerly Twitter) account named after the Hollywood icon. The alleged account also has a blue checkmark, indicating that the account is verified and could be the real Clint Eastwood Twitter.
According to a report, the esteemed actor does not have an X account. Still, the blue check has caused some understandable confusion. Historically, such blue checkmarks are reserved for verified identities of public figures and organizations to prevent impersonation.
However, changes implemented after Elon Musk acquired the platform now allow users with a premium subscription to obtain a blue checkmark. This shift has blurred the lines between authenticity and pretense, leading to confusion among the platform’s users.
The actor, who recently directed “Juror No. 2,” has also been known to criticize social media culture, which is not surprising considering Clint Eastwood’s age. In interviews promoting his 2018 film “The 15:17 to Paris,” he expressed disdain for selfies, describing them as a “pain in the rear.” His candid views extend to his encounters with new technologies, as seen during a 2016 episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where he humorously engaged with a face-morphing app despite his initial reluctance.
So, is there a real Clint Eastwood Twitter account? Not really. But how does the actor/director stay connected to the digital chatter? His work speaks for him – and the world listens. The veteran actor and director focuses on tangible societal contributions and various social media channels pick up the story.
Last month, for example, Eastwood appeared at the “Reasons for Hope” event, a conservation-focused gathering in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, featuring renowned environmentalist Dr. Jane Goodall. The event, celebrating Goodall’s 90th birthday tour, raised funds for global youth environmental actions through her Roots & Shoots program.
Eastwood became one of the crowd drawers and resulted in significant social media exposure. It goes to show that even without a ‘blue check,’ Clint Eastwood can go viral all by himself.