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Elle Brooke Vs Paige VanZant Controversial Draw Gets Mixed Reaction In Social Media


image ofElle Brooke

In a thrilling showdown that captivated combat sports fans, Elle Brooke and Paige VanZant’s main event at Misfits 15 ended in a controversial draw in Texas. The fight, which took place on Saturday night, saw Brooke drop VanZant on her home turf, but despite the knockdown, Brooke couldn’t secure a finish. As a result, both fighters have agreed to a rematch, which promises to settle the score once and for all.

The bout was a spectacle from start to finish. Brooke, known for her aggressive fighting style and knockout power, dominated the early rounds. She landed a flurry of punches that kept VanZant on the defensive. In the third round, Brooke’s relentless pressure paid off as she landed a right hook that sent VanZant to the canvas. The crowd erupted, anticipating a knockout finish. However, VanZant showcased her resilience, getting back on her feet and continuing to fight back.

VanZant, a former UFC star, demonstrated her toughness and experience in the later rounds. She used her superior footwork and ring intelligence to evade Brooke’s power shots and counter with precision. By the final round, both fighters were exhausted but determined to secure a victory. The judges’ decision to call it a draw sparked immediate controversy, with fans and analysts divided on the outcome.

Social media exploded with reactions to the fight, highlighting the divide among fans. On Twitter, user @FightFanatic expressed frustration, tweeting, “Elle Brooke was robbed! She clearly won that fight. The knockdown should have sealed it for her. #Misfits15.” This sentiment was echoed by many who believed Brooke’s knockdown and overall aggression should have earned her the win.

Conversely, VanZant’s supporters felt the draw was justified. Instagram user @MMAQueen posted, “Paige showed heart and skill. She came back strong after the knockdown. A draw is fair considering her comeback. Can’t wait for the rematch!” The debate over the decision has only fueled interest in the impending rematch, with both fighters eager to prove themselves.

Elle Brooke, an internet personality because of her sassy persona, was confident in her performance and stated in a post-fight interview, “I felt like I did enough to win. Dropping her was a big moment, and I thought the judges would see it that way. But I’m ready to do it again and leave no doubts.” Her determination was evident, and she is already preparing for the rematch, aiming to finish what she started.

VanZant, while disappointed not to secure her first boxing win, remained optimistic. “It was a tough fight. Elle is a great competitor, and she caught me with a good shot. But I showed my heart and skills by coming back. I’ll be ready for the rematch, and I’m looking forward to getting that first win,” she said.

The rematch between Brooke and VanZant is highly anticipated, with fans eager to see how both fighters will adjust their strategies. Brooke will likely look to capitalize on her power and aim for a definitive finish, while VanZant will work on avoiding knockdowns and leveraging her technical skills.

As the fighters prepare for their next encounter, the controversy surrounding the draw only adds to the intrigue. Fans can expect another intense battle when Brooke and VanZant step into the ring again, each determined to emerge victorious and settle the score once and for all.

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